Here we introduce how to play the demo of AEON. In this demo, we would like to show how a game server scale up & down according to the number of active clients. In this demo, it requires 5 machines. 1) compile: cd distributed-eventwave/builds/ make mace make ElasticTagApp If you encounter errors in this step, please edit file: distributed-eventwave/builds/services/ElasticTagApp/CMakeFiles/ElasticTagApp.dir/flags.make Add "-std=c++0x" after "-Werror", which should be "-Werror -std=c++0x" make contextrun 2) create client & server folders on client server: mkdir ~/AEON/client on all server machines mkdir ~/AEON/server 3) configuration file go to /distributed-eventwave/demo edit file hosts and put the machines as the following order: client-machine server-machine1 server-machine2 server-machine3 server-machine4 ./ It will generate required configuration file 4) Pre-demo Please install pssh 5) run demo go to /distributed-eventwave/demo cp ../builds/application/testrun/contextrun ./ ./ ./ 6) observing output The whole execution will last about 25 mins. After 30mins, ./ Then you can collect output file (~/AEON/server/output) from all 4 servers. Then you can obeserve for Room[2] and Room[3] and Room[4], their output appears on different output file, which indicates they migrate among those servers.