#include "stdlib.h"

        service BTreeApp;
        provides NULL;

        message Request {
          uint8_t op_type;
          int key;
          int value;

        message Reply {
          bool succ;

        constants {
          uint8_t READ_OP = 0;
          uint8_t INSERT_OP = 1;
          uint8_t DELETE_OP = 2;

        constructor_parameters {
          uint32_t MAX_NKEY_PER_NODE = 10;
          uint32_t MIN_NKEY_PER_NODE = 5;

        struct KeyInfo {
          int key;
          int value;
          BTreeNode l_node;
          BTreeNode r_node;

        contextclass BTreeNode {
          vector keyInfos;
          uint32_t parentId;
          bool root_flag;
          bool leaf_flag;

          void initializeBTreeNode( const uint32_t& pNodeId, const bool& r_flag, const bool&  l_flag );
          ro void searchKeyInBTreeNode( const int& key, const MaceKey& src );
          void insertKeyToBTreeNode( const int& key, const int& value );

          void adjust(const uint32_t& childId);

          void initializeBTreeNode2( const uint32_t& pNodeId, const bool& r_flag, const vector& k_infos );
          uint32_t getKeySize();
          KeyInfo removeMostRightKeyFromBTree();
          KeyInfo removeMostLeftKeyFromBTree();
          void setParentNodeID(const uint32_t& pId);
          KeyInfo removeMostLeftKey();
          void addMostRightKey(const KeyInfo& newKeyInfo);
          KeyInfo removeMostRightKey();
          void addMostLeftKey(const KeyInfo& newKeyInfo);
          void addMostRightKeys(const vector& newKeyInfos);
          void addMostLeftKeys(const vector& newKeyInfos);
          vector splitLeftKeys();
          vector getKeys();
          void updateKeyInfos( const vector& new_key_infos );

        contextclass BTree {
          BTreeNode root;

          void initBTree();
          ro void searchKeyInBTree(const int& key, const MaceKey& src);
          void insertKeyToBTree( const int& key, const int& value );
          void deleteKeyFromBTree( const int& key );

        upcall deliver( const MaceKey& dest, const MaceKey& src, const Request& msg ){
          BTree tree = getContextObject("BTree", 0);

          if( msg.op_type == READ_OP )
            event tree.searchKeyInBTree( msg.key, src );
          } else if( msg.op_type == INSERT_OP )
            event tree.insertToBTree( msg.key, msg.key, msg.value );
          } else if( msg.op_type == DELETE_OP )
            event tree.deleteKeyFromBTree( msg.key );

        void BTree::initBTree() {
          root = createNewContext("BTreeNode");
          async root.initializeBTreeNode( root.getContextID(), true, true);

        void BTree::searchKeyInBTree(const int& key, const MaceKey& src){
          if( root == NULL){
          async root.searchKeyInBTreeNode(key, src);

        void BTree::insertKeyToBTree( const int& key, const int& value ) {
          async root.insertKeyToBTreeNode(key, value);

        void BTree::deleteKeyFromBTree( const int& key ) {
          async root.deleteKeyFromBTreeNode(key);

        void BTreeNode::initializeBTreeNode( const uint32_t& pNodeId, const bool& r_flag, const bool&  l_flag ) {
          parentId = pNodeId;
          root_flag = r_flag;
          leaf_flag = l_flag;


        void BTreeNode::searchKeyInBTreeNode(const int& key, const MaceKey& src) {
          uint32_t i;
          BTreeNode nextNode = NULL;
          for(i=0; i key ) {
              nextNode = keyInfos[i].l_node;

            if( i+1 == keyInfos.size() && key > keyInfos[i].key ) {
              nextNode = keyInfos[i].r_node;

          if( nextNode != NULL ) {
            async nextNode.searchKey( clientId, key, src );
          } else {
            downcall_route( src, Reply(false) );

        void BTreeNode::insertKeyToBTreeNode( const int& key, const int& value ) {
          vector::iterator k_iter; 
          BTreeNode nextNode = NULL;
          uint32_t i = 0;
          for( k_iter = keyInfos.begin(); k_iter != keyInfos.end(); k_iter++, i++ ) {
            if( keyInfos[i].key == key ) {
              keyInfos[i].value = value;
          } else if( keyInfos[i].key > key ) {
            nextNode = keyInfos[i].l_node;

          if( i+1==keyInfos.size() && keyInfos[i].key < key ) {
            nextNode = keyInfos[i].r_node;

        if(nextNode == NULL) {
          KeyInfo newKey;
          newKey.key = key;
          newKey.value = value;
          newKey.l_node = NULL;
          newKey.r_node = NULL;
          if( k_iter == keyInfos.end() ) {
          } else {
            keyInfos.insert(k_iter, newKey);
          if( keyInfos.size() > MAX_NKEY_PER_NODE ) {
            if( parentId == 0 ) { // this node is the root
              event this->adjust(0);
            } else {
              BTreeNode parentNode = getContextObject("BTreeNode", parentId);
              event parentNode.adjust( this->getContextID() );
        } else {
          async nextNode.insertKeyToBTreeNode(key, value);

      void BTreeNode::deleteKeyFromBTreeNode( const int& key ) {
        BTreeNode nextNode = NULL;
        vector::iterator k_iter = keyInfos.begin();
        int tempKey = 0;
        for(; k_iter != keyInfos.end(); k_iter ++ ) {
          tempKey = (*k_iter).key;
          if( tempKey == key ) {
          } else if( tempKey > key ) {
            nextNode = (*k_iter).l_node;

          if( k_iter+1 == keyInfos.end() && key > tempKey ) {
            nextNode = (*k_iter).r_node;

        if( tempKey == key ){
          BTreeNode r_node = NULL;
          BTreeNode l_node = (*k_iter).l_node;
          if( k_iter+1 == keyInfos.end() ) {
            r_node = (*k_iter).r_node;
          } else {
            k_iter ++;
            r_node = (*k_iter).l_node;
            k_iter --;
          if( r_node != NULL ) {
            KeyInfo new_key = r_node.removeMostLeftKeyFromBTree();
            if( new_key.key == 0 ){
            (*k_iter).key = new_key.key;
          } else if( l_node != NULL ) {
            KeyInfo new_key = l_node.removeMostRightKeyFromBTree();
            if( new_key.key == 0 ){
            (*k_iter).key = new_key.key;
          } else {

            if( keyInfos.size() < MIN_NKEY_PER_NODE ) {
              if( parentId == 0 ) { // this node is the root
                event this->adjust(0);
              } else {
                BTreeNode parentNode = getContextObject("BTreeNode", parentId);
                event parentNode.adjust( this->getContextID() );
        if( nextNode != NULL ) {
          async nextNode.deleteKeyFromBTreeNode(key);

      void BTreeNode::initializeBTreeNode2( const uint32_t& pNodeId, const bool& r_flag, const vector& k_infos ) {
        parentId = pNodeId;
        root_flag = r_flag;
        leaf_flag = true;

        keyInfos = k_infos;

        for( uint32_t i=0; igetContextID() );

          if( i+1 == keyInfos.size() && keyInfos[i].r_node != NULL ){
            keyInfos[i].r_node.setParentNodeID( this->getContextID() );

      void BTreeNode::setParentNodeId(const uint32_t& pId) {
        parentId = pId;

      uint32_t BTreeNode::getKeySize() {
        return keyInfos.size();

      KeyInfo BTreeNode::removeMostRightKeyFromBTree() {
        if( keyInfos.size() > 0 ) {
          vector::iterator iter = keyInfos.begin();
          while( iter+1 != keyInfos.end() ) {
            iter ++;

          KeyInfo keyInfo = *iter;
          BTreeNode r_node = keyInfo.r_node;
          BTreeNode l_node = keyInfo.l_node;
          if( r_node == NULL ) {
            if( keyInfos.size() == 1 ) {
              if( l_node != NULL ) {
                KeyInfo newKeyInfo = l_node.removeMostRightKeyFromBTree(l_node);
                if( newKeyInfo.key == 0 ) {
                  return newKeyInfo;
                (*iter).key = newKeyInfo.key;
                return keyInfo; 
              } else { // l_node = r_node = NULL
            } else {
              KeyInfo& l_sibling_keyInfo = keyInfos[ keyInfos.size() - 2 ];
              l_sibling_keyInfo.r_node = keyInfo.l_node;
          } else {
            return r_node.removeMostRightKeyFromBTree();
          if( keyInfos.size() < MIN_NKEY_PER_NODE ) {
            if( parentId ==0 ){
              event this->adjust(0);
            } else{
              BTreeNode parentNode = getContextObject("BTreeNode", parentId);
              event parentNode.adjust( this->getContextID() );
          return keyInfo;
        } else {
          KeyInfo keyInfo;
          keyInfo.key = 0;
          return keyInfo;

      KeyInfo BTreeNode::removeMostLeftKeyFromBTree() {
        if( keyInfos.size() > 0 ) {
          vector::iterator iter = keyInfos.begin();
          KeyInfo keyInfo = *iter;
          BTreeNode r_node = NULL;
          BTreeNode l_node = keyInfo.l_node;

          if( keyInfos.size() == 1 ){
            r_node = keyInfo.r_node;
          } else{
            r_node = keyInfos[1].l_node;

          if( l_node == NULL ) {
            if( keyInfos.size() == 1 ) {
              if( r_node != NULL ) {
                KeyInfo newKeyInfo = r_node.removeMostLeftKeyFromBTree(r_node);
                if( newKeyInfo.key == 0 ){
                  return newKeyInfo;
                (*iter).key = newKeyInfo.key;
              } else {
            } else {
          } else {
            return l_node.removeMostLeftKeyFromBTree(l_node);
          if( keyInfos.size() < MIN_NKEY_PER_NODE ) {
            if( parentId ==0 ){
              event this->adjust(0);
            } else{
              BTreeNode parentNode = getContextObject("BTreeNode", parentId);
              event parentNode.adjust( this->getContextID() );
          return keyInfo;
        } else {
          KeyInfo keyInfo;
          keyInfo.key = 0;
          return keyInfo;

      KeyInfo BTreeNode::removeMostLeftKey() {
        KeyInfo keyInfo = keyInfos[0];
        keyInfos.erase( keyInfos.begin() );

        return keyInfo;

      void BTreeNode::addMostRightKey(const KeyInfo& newKeyInfo) {
        KeyInfo& keyInfo = keyInfos[keyInfos.size()-1];
        KeyInfo newKey = newKeyInfo;
        newKey.l_node = keyInfo.r_node;

      KeyInfo BTreeNode::removeMostRightKey() {
        KeyInfo rKeyInfo = keyInfos[keyInfos.size()-1];
        KeyInfo& keyInfo = keyInfos[keyInfos.size()-1];
        keyInfo.r_node = rKeyInfo.l_node;
        return rKeyInfo;

      void BTreeNode::addMostLeftKey(const KeyInfo& newKeyInfo) {
        keyInfos.insert( keyInfos.begin(), newKeyInfo );

      void BTreeNode::addMostRightKeys(const vector& newKeyInfos) {
        KeyInfo& keyInfo = keyInfos[keyInfos.size()-1];

        for(uint32_t i=0; igetContextID() );

          if( tmp_key.r_node != NULL ){
            tmp_key.r_node.setParentID(this->getContextID() );

      void BTreeNode::addMostLeftKeys(const vector& newKeyInfos) {
        vector new_keyInfos = newKeyInfos;

        for(uint32_t i=0; igetContextID() );

          if( keyInfo.r_node != NULL ){
            keyInfo.r_node.setParentID(this->getContextID() );

      vector BTreeNode::splitLeftKeys() {
        uint32_t mid = (uint32_t)( keyInfos.size() / 2 );
        vector remain_keys;
        vector l_keys;
        for(uint32_t i=0; i& new_key_infos) {
        keyInfos = new_key_infos;
        for(uint32_t i=0; igetContextID() );

          if( keyInfo.r_node != NULL ){
            keyInfo.r_node.setParentID(this->getContextID() );

      vector BTreeNode::getKeys() {
        return keyInfos;

      void BTreeNode::adjust(const uint32_t& childId) {
        if( 0 == childId ){ // root node
          if( keyInfos.size() > MAX_NKEY_PER_NODE) {
            uint32_t mid = (uint32_t)( keyInfos.size() / 2);
            vector l_node_keys;
            vector r_node_keys;

            for(uint32_t i=0; imid ){

            KeyInfo new_key = keyInfos[mid];


            BTreeNode l_node = createNewContext("BTreeNode");
            BTreeNode r_node = createNewContext("BTreeNode");

            l_node.initializeBTreeNode2(this->getNodeID(), false, l_node_keys);
            r_node.initializeBTreeNode2(this->getNodeID(), false, r_node_keys);

            new_key.l_node = l_node;
            new_key.r_node = r_node;
            leaf_flag = false;
      } else {
        BTreeNode childNode = getContextObject("BTreeNode", childId);
        if( childNode.getKeySize() > MAX_NKEY_PER_NODE ) {
          BTreeNode l_sibling = NULL;
          BTreeNode r_sibling = NULL;

          int l_pos = -1;
          int r_pos = -1;
          int child_pos = -1;
          for(uint32_t i=0; i new_l_keys = childNode.splitLeftKeys();
          KeyInfo new_key = new_l_keys.back();
          new_l_keys[ new_l_keys.size()-1 ].r_node = new_key.l_node;
          new_key.l_node = NULL;

          BTreeNode n_l_node = createNewContext("BTreeNode");
          n_l_node.initializeBTreeNode2(this->getContextID(), false, new_l_keys);

          new_key.l_node = n_l_node;
          for( vector::iterator iter=keyInfos.begin(); iter!=keyInfos.end(); iter++ ) {
            KeyInfo& keyInfo = *iter;
            if( keyInfo.l_node == childNode ) {
              keyInfos.insert( iter, new_key );

            if( iter+1 == keyInfos.end() && keyInfo.r_node == childNode ){
              keyInfo.r_node = NULL;
              new_key.r_node = childNode;
              new_key.l_node = n_l_node;

          if( keyInfos.size() > MAX_NKEY_PER_NODE ) {
            //maceout << "To further adjust BTreeNode("<< myNodeId<<") key_size=" << keyInfos.size() << Log::endl;
            if( parentId == 0){
              event this->adjust(0);
            } else {
              BTreeNode parentNode = getContextObject("BTreeNode", parentId);
              event parentNode.adjust( this->getContextID() );
          //maceout << "After split BTreeNode("<< childId <<"), BTreeNode("<< myNodeId<<") keyInfos="<< keyInfos << Log::endl;
        } else if( childNode.childgetKeySize() < MIN_NKEY_PER_NODE ){
          BTreeNode l_sibling = NULL;
          BTreeNode r_sibling = NULL;

          int l_pos = -1;
          int r_pos = -1;
          int child_pos = -1;
          for(uint32_t i=0; i MIN_NKEY_PER_NODE ) {
            KeyInfo new_key = l_sibling.removeMostRightKey();
            int tmp = keyInfos[l_pos].key; 
            keyInfos[l_pos].key = new_key.key;
            new_key.key = tmp;
            new_key.l_node = new_key.r_node;
            new_key.r_node = NULL;
            childNode.addMostLeftKey(childId, new_key);
          // move one key from right sibling node
          if( r_sibling !=NULL && r_sibling.getKeySize() > MIN_NKEY_PER_NODE ) {
            KeyInfo new_key = r_sibling.removeMostLeftKey();
            int tmp = keyInfos[child_pos].key; 
            keyInfos[child_pos].key = new_key.key;
            new_key.key = tmp;
            new_key.r_node = new_key.l_node;
            new_key.l_node = NULL;
          if( keyInfos.size() == 1 ) {
            BTreeNode l_node = keyInfos[0].l_node;
            BTreeNode r_node = keyInfos[0].r_node;
            vector l_keyInfos;
            vector r_keyInfos;

            if( l_node != NULL ){
              l_keyInfos = l_node.getKeys();
            if( r_node != NULL ){
              r_keyInfos = r_node.getKeys();

            vector new_key_infos;
            for( uint32_t i=0; i l_keyInfos;
            vector r_keyInfos;

            if( l_node != NULL ){
              l_keyInfos = l_node.getKeys();
            if( r_node_id > 0 ){
              r_keyInfos = r_node.getKeys();

            vector new_key_infos;
            for( uint32_t i=0; i::iterator iter=keyInfos.begin(); iter!=keyInfos.end(); iter++ ) {
              if( (*iter).key == pKeyInfo.key ) {
                if( iter+1 == keyInfos.end() ) {
                  if( r_node != NULL ) {
                    *(iter-1).r_node = r_node; 
                  } else {
                    *(iter-1).r_node = l_node;
                } else {
                  if( r_node == NULL ) {
                    *(iter+1).l_node = l_node;

            if( r_node != NULL ){
              if( l_node != NULL ) {
            } else if( l_node != NULL ){
              l_node.updateKeyInfos(l_node_id, new_key_infos);

        } // 
      } // is root
    } //async adjust 

    downcall maceInit() {
      BTree tree = createNewContext("BTree");
      event tree.initBtree();